
Galahads Jazz, Galahads Glen, Galahads Gerrick, Galahads Joy und Galahads Gonzo

geworfen am 24.4.2004


Dexter my celtic fellow
Inchicore Lionel Montelle Famous Star Famous Flute at Montelle
Montelle Star Return
Inchicore Uisce Beatha Moher Lucky Jim
Ruffmar Flaithiulach of Inchicore
Rufus Lucy Let's Fetz Merrymac Lollapalooza Montelle Shooting Star
Starkdom's Tralee
Rufus Magic Polestar Tralees Hurricane Kid
Rufus Pola Negri
Iva vom Widenbaum
Ascot Runner my celtic fellow Tubereasa Irish Kingsman Trackways Booger Red
Tubereasa Ryan's Daugther
Hazel of Stonetown Gatsby Capella
Esperanza of Stonetown
Gina vom Widenbaum Corsini Attempto! Ben's Heir Ed
Lynphen Princess
Bruni Attempto! Edbrios Boru
Amelie vom Kirchberg